Monday 30 June 2014

the power of hugs :)

Blog 1 July 2014 

Half of this year suddenly expired, just after it started. And I find that some years are more instructive than others – those are the ones where most synchronicity happens, which is supposed to be a period when you are closest to your ‘path’, or to your groove/wholeness/the moment, and also closest to other persons – when you are open, when your heart is open, and your energy good, or at least better than it has been.
It’s mostly/all about ‘energy’ - it has become apparent to me – and many writers have written, some at length, about this – for example, James Redfield, and his book The Celestine Prophecy, where he wrote about energy takers and givers; Carlos Castaneda, with his many books about the Warriors Path, and learning how to conserve one’s energy, and to beware the tyrants and petty tyrants we find all around us.... what motivates a Tyrant, or an energy thief? It must be some kind of emptiness inside themselves, caused by lack of love & nurturing, as a child – or else, that plus a mix of anger – anger at the world because they suffered emotional traumas as children – again, lack of love – and who was responsible for that? Must have been ‘unaware’ parents – parents too busy with trying to survive, or else with trying to fill their own voids, their own emotional holes, because they were still ‘emotional children’ – taking whatever they could from the world, and from others around them – taking drugs, alcohol, pleasures – just trying to fill their own emptinesses – and possibly because they were doing that, to whatever degree, they were unconscious of the needs of their children for love, security, etc – and so the children inherit the sins of the Father, and the Mother what do we do with the adult babies? I’m not sure... all of us have our lessons to learn – life, as I’ve learnt repeatedly, is one long series of lessons – for me, most recently, the lesson of our own mortality, and with that, a new gratitude for simple things, like the warmth of the sun on my skin in the early morning, and a new patience with all things – that there is no Crisis – Nothing is critically important, ito other people’s ultimatums/deadlines etc – let the petty tyrants blow smoke out of their ears, if they want to stand & stamp their feet and demand that the world obeys their dictates – let me just be, as wry and sardonic as I choose to be, for my own sanity & amusement, and let me have my faith that everything will be OK, it will all be as it was intended to be – and I must have faith also that in that final jigsaw puzzle of my world, I don’t find myself in a debtors jail somewhere...

But, I must & will remain industrious – I can’t abide laziness, and I hope I will always remember Castaneda’s other teachings, about Impeccable Intent, etc – and that our constant fine intent in the world is our guiding arrowhead, on our flight into the unknown – so that we can perhaps have this image of ourselves as a projectile, travelling at warp speed through space, enclosed in a soft warm capsule, our capsule/aura of love/kindness/intent [colour it a translucent shade of candy-pink, or orange or yellow or green or blue – the soft pastels, or even a neon or primary colour if you feel braver] - and as we brush past others, in their own capsules, our auras touch & mingle, and dent and bulge, like soap bubbles, and sometimes become locked onto others, of the very significant people in our lives – and hope & pray that you are not bound to another person’s toxic bubble, because your very own bubble can be popped and damaged, and become very misshapen, and turn an ugly & probably dark colour, because of being poisoned by another’s energy – mostly inadvertently – and that’s when nervous breakdowns can & do happen, and depressions, anxieties, and I believe also diseases, like cancers etc

So I don’t know what society and us individuals are supposed to do with the energy thieves, and the Takers – they must just learn their own lessons of maturity, and love, somehow, and not end up in jail or the gutter – maybe it’s just the old Indian philosophy of Karma that holds in the end – that those people [all of us actually] are just at different development stages/levels, in the  process of repaying past karmic debts – and some of us will somehow make up some ground in this current lifetime – Jesus was one of our examples of karmic perfection – and in the end, as the Christian version goes, he ascended to Heaven, his Earthly mission complete – those much further down on the ladder of karma, must perhaps live their life on earth in a hell of anger and maybe even criminality, and abuse of others rights and lives and emotions, and when they die, perhaps return in their next life on Earth, as another lowly being, to learn those lessons that lead to Freedom & Joy, and some kind of maturity – and our job is to be vigilant, in a kind but also self-caring way, that we don’t get mangled or tangled with lesser beings, don’t get caught up in their telescopic rifle cross-hairs, or anywhere in the cross-fires...

Vigilance, try to keep it humble, gracious, humorous, kind, but also firm; clear & impeccable Intent; and good Energy, which should include a good amount of self-love and caring, and an awareness of your own luminous and soft capsule, your energy bubble that surrounds you, and protects you – maybe those are my current lessons that guide me on toward my next encounters, with whomever I am pre-destined to meet & mingle with

Namaste, and don’t forget the power and wonder of hugs J

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