Monday 21 July 2014

of real men & desirable women...

I’ve spent a lot of time on my own in the last while, not counting the pleasurable company of five dogs that hang about close to me, with that please-take-us-to-the-beach look in their doleful eyes – they are all, each in their own way, very sweet and adorable, and are finally, after some weeks here, learning to listen and obey, and not pester me for constant attention – and I have been working, occasionally, on small jobs like paving the area outside my writer’s shed – it used to be my toolshed, then for a while it was my home, and now it serves as my kitchen, wardrobe, part toolshed and office, and it seems the mice have stopped visiting – maybe I did kill them all, or maybe word has got out that even though there are bits of food to be had, and lots of clothing about that can be chewed up & turned into mouse beds, it all comes at a high price – I did see a very fat and dark species of mouse/rat down near the veg garden today – and they have been there for some time – my dog knows that, he constantly sniffs about there, expert mouse & rat killer that he somehow became...

And in this time alone, and working, it seems that one’s own thoughts can crystallize – not petrify, as the pineal gland apparently does after too many years of fluoridated toothpaste and tap water – please note that our pineal glands are seated somewhere deep in our midbrains, where our most ancestral and reptilian brain circuitry is found, including I would imagine, things like our involuntary instincts – things we have no control over like heartbeat, cerebrospinal fluid pulse rate, etc – so it’s an important area of our brains, not to be tampered with, those deep-seated glands and neural pockets... but in my frontal cortex maybe,  where my Id/ego/super-ego reside - that’s where, I think, these self-actualizing thoughts and shifts have been going on – and as I wrote somewhere above, it seems that time spent alone, and doing manual labour, helps these ideas to crystallize – maybe because the rest of the time, when we are in the company of others, or buzzing about in society doing our business-with-people stuff, we are too mentally busy to allow stuff to precipitate out, and come back to us as well-fermented bits of wisdom & realization

That reminds me, of a night about a year ago, when I met a woman who had been to hell & back too many times over the course of a few years during which she became estranged and I should hope divorced from her brutish-sounding husband – she related to me and another mutual friend, late that night, some startling stuff, how in the thick of her near nervous breakdowns, she had travelled back to her primal source, seen her eternal flame separate out from the primal flame of all Creation, in a vision, and all that while sweeping the floor – she said that she had found, that during the most mundane tasks, like floor-sweeping, the biggest revelations had come to her – something like repetitive and simple acts taking one into a trance state..

Anyway, I haven’t had the pleasure of similar time travel, brought on by pushing heavy wheelbarrows of earth up my driveway, and lifting heavy stone slabs into position to create a very nice mosaic paved area, actually a few areas – my sporadic and mostly short-lived glimpses of the Eternal, have been much more mundane – just in the last few hours, while writing, a sudden realisation that I am enjoying very much the company of men, bent on a group task of problem solving, and conflict resolution – all done with a sense of humour – I am loving the oases, as I stumble over and into them, of cameraderie amongst mature adult men – I don’t belong to any primarily female populated groups, so I can’t compare. Could I smuggle myself in, using a wig and false appendages, maybe into the locker room of a visiting netball team – but then I’d surely be found out and thrown out, and probably not much instructive banter going on there anyway..

So, real men, a beer or two perhaps, certainly some cigarettes, seeing as I’m still addicted, and best of all some eye candy – or even better, someone to love, waiting for me at day’s end, when we can watch a sunset, walk on the beach, have a laugh together, tell our stories, hold hands, be silly, sing along to songs on the radio while driving, light a fire, look at the stars, and the moon [sun-gazing also apparently very beneficial if you can avoid retina burn] – all those sweet things & then some – I suppose I will choose the company of one solitary femme over that of a group of men any day, no matter how smart they are, or how dumb she might be - nice curves and a winning smile can make even the toughest weak... J

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